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0 comments | Friday, January 12, 2007

This post is marinating
to the music of:
Y'all should all get lynched...

"Because Martin Luther King died for you to act like this/ This is the best you can come up with?" - Y'all should all get lynched, NYOil

On the eve of MLK day, I was listening to a rapper called NYOil who feels the state of hip-hop belittles what sojourners for peace such as MLK and Rosa fought for. He cites instances such as Flava of Love and Peaches fried chicken.

Honestly, I cant STAND Flava of love, but on the flip side, I was feeling that "hard out here for a pimp," I don't care what ya'll say about that song, but was it Oscar worthy - HECK NO! Anyhoo, I have to agree with him to an extent. The state of hip hop will always be a controversial topic, but I know so many people take for granted what our forefathers fought for. There's nothing wrong with entertainment, but why do we have to box ourselves into Uncle Tom foolishness just to make some paper? I dont think those entertainers should get lynched, I'm not that "Fight the Power" intense, but what do you think?

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