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1 comments | Saturday, November 11, 2006

This post is marinating
to the post of:
Just a Moment...
Nas f/ Quan

Just a Moment to say Happy Veterans Day or Good Veterans Day, or whatever the salutation is, you get the gist of what I'm getting at.

Please take time to honor and thank servicemen for there courage and strength in protecting our nation. I know many of us have beef, including me, about how we are in an unpopular war now and an unbalanced percentage of minorities who are members of armed forces for whatever reason (in my opinion, its b/c of the lack of equal economic opportunities in this country), are losing their lives for a war most minorities do not believe in. But I know we all know someone who has been to war, whether its crazy Uncle Lester who fought in Vietnam, or Grandpa John who served in the World War, or that bad a$$ Junebug from down the street that grew up with you and now is in Iraq. Give them all a thank you and marinate on their sacrafices.

I want to send a Veterans Day shout out to my homie Jewelz holding it down in the Air National Guard (one my year girl, one mo'!) and the family of an old friend, a great person, a wonderful family guy, Clarence McSwain. He died this past summer in Iraq protecting our country. This was the first soldier death from Iraq that really hit home to me. RIP and thanks for your courage McSwain....(Read about his short life here)

Let that marinate

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

bigg ups to your blog!! i know i'm a lil' late... but you know how we do things.


8:21 AM


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