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0 comments | Monday, November 06, 2006

This post is marinating
to the music of:
My Umi Says...
Talib Kweli

Sometimes I don't want to get into no war ...Black people to be free, to be free... Sometimes I don't wanna be a soldier, Sometimes I just wanna be a man, but Umi said shine your light on the worldShine your light for the world to see" - My Umi Says...Mos Def

Let tommorrow be your opportunity to shine your light on the world.
Lets go and vote people. Check the website for more information about congressional and gubernatorial races in your area. (PBSVote2006)

In case your too lazy to read about them, here's some of my picks candidates in states important to me, but I'm not forcing you to vote for them, vote for whoever (or is it whomever) best matches your issues at hand. Marinate on the candidates and cast your vote tomorrow.

Click the pictures for more info about each candidate.

Erik Fleming - MS Senate race
Fellow J-State Alumni, my main issue about this race is:lets get Trent Lott outta there!

Michael Steele - MD Senate race
Okay, yes, he's probably token black Republican, and the washington post has not been fair to him in my opinion saying hes a lapdog to Bush(and who cares if the dog is not his in his ads!!), but I think he isnt that closely tied to most Republican values, lets get him to the hill and heck, he looks like my brother so
thats a plus!

Jim Webb - VA Governor's race
Okay, I know he's had issues with Tailhook back in the day, and his choice of prose in his writings my not portray women in the best light, but he aligns most to my issues and that macaca comment by his opponent, George Allen, sealed the deal for me b/c I dont care what your issues are if your character is way out of line to mines, character is the heart of men.

Harold Ford, Jr - TN Senate race
I'm sure you heard about his opponents tv ad playing off a fiesty party attended full of lovely ladies, but he's a single he suppose to not meet women because he says he's a Christian??? Anyhoo, he'll be the first black elected to the Senate in the south since reconstruction if he wins. I remember meeting him while he was running for the House back when I was at JState in 96 or 98 I think. He really reached out to the young urban voters by going to HBCU football games like the Heritage Classic...not just to party but to inform the young black youth. I never looked a politics the same since then. Plus, I see him occasionally out on the street on the Hill all by himself.... not locked up away from the public like some representatives I rarely see on a random like that.

Let that marinate

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