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0 comments | Wednesday, November 22, 2006

This post is marinating
to the music of:
Harvest for the world
Murder was the
Case Soundtrack

"Dress me up for battle, when all I want is peace
Those of us who pay the price, come home with the least
And nation after nation turning into beasts
Oh, when will there be harvest for the world"
Harvest for the World - Isley Brothers

I am still very proud that we have some Congressional Black Caucus members moving up in the political world. Once Pelosi became House majority leader, black politicians were able to take on key chair positions in the law making committees of this nation. For example, John Conyers of Michigan will top the all important Judiciary Committee, Bennie Thompson of Mississippi to Homeland Security, Juanita Millender-McDonald of California to House Administration and last but not least, New York's Charlie Rangel will head the Ways and Means. Well, first he got Senator Chip Pickering's (R)panties in a bunch when he disrespected the state of Mississippi. NOWWWWWW, Cab Calloway wants to reinstate the draft. Cab, are you taking your meds....seriously? I feel you on the disparity in the racial makeup of our country's enlisted, but I really dont believe Chuck and Sue are going to let their precious Bobby go fight in Iraq or Afghanistan...believe me they probably have the resources to get out of it and send Bobby to Paree to do some overseas studying or something while Pookie and Jose go off to fight in his place. Therefore, the same percentages of people enlisted will eventually resemble pre-draft numbers...unequal number of economically bound minorities on the front lines. Check out what others have to say and let that marinate and form your own opinion.

Let that marinate

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