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0 comments | Tuesday, October 03, 2006

This post is marinating
to the music of:
The King Remix..TI

Melton defending libel charges

The mayor of Jackson MS(at least, I think he still is), Frank Melton is being tried for slandering the name of two Mississippi narcotics agents. Now, this has nothing to do with the trials concerning him tearing up an alleged crack house OR the charges of carrying concealed weapons. No, this is a separate incident that I believe is part of a witchhunt to bring down someone who is trying to help a dilapidated city recover all the while its neighboring suburbs flourish and suck money right out of the Jackson's grasp. True, Frank is outspoken and opinionated, however, he had a vision for the city and the gall and moxie to actually pursue it unlike the previous tenants of the mayoral posts. Somebody must be hurting financially as a result of Principal Joe Clark, oops, I mean Melton's antics. Why else would there be such a disturbing ruckus over someone actually fighting crime in a crime-ridden city.

Here is a time line of some of the events that have unfolded under Melton's tenure.(ClarionLedger)

I'm sure he's thinking,"Everybody wants to be the king of the south, but they ain't running a dang thing but their mouth and when I'm busting down crackhouses, I'm just hurting their feelings but I'm the KING!"

Let that marinate

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