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0 comments | Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This post is marinating
to the music of:
Don't Say Nothing ...
The Roots

I'm sure you heard of Isaiah Washington in the news. Lately its been bad press. The alleged beat down of McDreamy on the Grey's Anatomy set and the calling out of the closet on his other co-star, TR Knight. Well, I guess he tried to mend the pieces at the Golden Globes, but it just didn't quite come out right. As my umi says...If you can't say something nice, just don't say anything at all when you are in front of thousands of flashing bulbs accepting an award for a hit show. I might be a sucka but I actually believe his explanation in the video, because I too have a problem of speaking my mind before actually thinking about what it is I'm spitting out. Hard lessons to learn Isaiah.

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